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FIT360 has a selection of classes that cover the Southern Auckland and Northern Waikato regions.


Mangatawhiri is just over the Bombay hills and down the road from Pokeno, Our Ramarama location is just off the southern motorway.  .


Our FIT360 fans always have a class close at hand.







Please note, with this comes some commitment from class participants. 


This job is my passion, and I love what I do but but please understand FIT360 is a service provider, and a business and with that comes a lot of planning to bring you amazing workouts and support with your fitness journey.


Class minimum numbers:

MANGATAWHIRI requires a 6 person Minimum to proceed and RAMARAMA will have a 10 person Minimum.


Class Confirmation:

A confirmation is when you commit to a class the evening before a class starts.  

Please do this by either a YES in a chat or online booking or via text message.

Your confirmation will be included in the minimum head count. 



With any cancellations within a 3 hour window of a class starting, FIT360 reserves the right to charge you for this class/cancelation. This is usually in the form of a concession card click. 
Any cancellations outside of this 3 hour window is fine. You will not be charged.
All cancellations must be messaged to me.

*All concession cards have an 6 month expiry from date of purchase. No refunds.

Any questions or concerns please send me a private message 🙂

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